Assembly Schedule 2017-18 |
17.04.17 to 22.04.17 |
Raise the curtain ( To know the school) |
24.04.17 to 29.04.17 |
Singing to the tune of mystic poets. |
01.05.17 to 06.05.17 |
I am unique (Activity based) |
08.05.17 to 13.05.17 |
I am unique |
15.05.17 to 18.05.17 |
I am unique |
12.06.17 to 17.06.17 |
Without hard work nothing can grow, excepts weeds. |
19.06.17 to 24.06.17 |
Science and Peace |
26.06.17 to 01.07.17 |
Dreams, Develop and do. |
03.07.17 to 08.07.17 |
Just Laugh |
10.07.17 to 15.07.17 |
Cyber Safety and Modern Technology |
17.07.17 to 22.07.17 |
Current affairs |
24.07.17 to 29.07.17 |
The language we use create an impact |
31.07.17 to 05.08.17 |
Tribute to Mohd. Rafi Kishore Kumar 04.08.17 |
14.08.17 to 19.08.17 |
Sare Jahan se Accha |
21.08.17 to 26.08.17 |
Collect Moments not things |
28.08.17 to 02.09.17 |
Book or Story Dramatic Performance |
04.09.17 to 09.09.17 |
Looking after yourself (Health) |
11.09.17 to 16.09.17 |
Never give up |
18.09.17 to 23.09.17 |
Guru Mahima |
25.09.17 to 30.09.17 |
Cultural Heritage |
02.10.2017 to 07.10.17 |
Importance of Yoga and Meditation |
09.10.2017 to 14.10.17 |
A Talk With the Visionaries |
16.10.2017 to 21.10.17 |
Diwali |
23.10.2017 to 28.10.17 |
Extempore |
30.10.2017 to 04.11.17 |
Encounter the Fear |
06.11.17 to 11.11.17 |
Motivational Movies (Presentation in the form M/D/DR) |
13.11.17 to 18.11.17 |
An Epiphany Moment ( A moment of certain realisation) |
20.11.17 to 25.11.17 |
Emerging Scientists |
27.11.17 to 02.12.17 |
Prabhodhan Surbhi |
04.12.17 to 09.12.17 |
Update yourself |
11.12.17 to 16.12.17 |
Hope and Positivity (Laws of Attraction) |
18.12.17 to 23.12.17 |
Challenging the Challenges(activity based) |
25.12.17 to 30.12.17 |
Attitude and Values |
01.01.18 to 06.01.18 |
Create your own destiny |
08.01.18 to 13.01.18 |
Stop Killing time __________ |
15.01.18 to 20.01.18 |
Vision Edutainment |
22.01.18 to 27.01.18 |
Quawali/Mushaira |
29.01.18 to 03.02.18 |
Recapturing the year |